Deer can be enchanting creatures to observe, but when they invade your landscape and damage your plants, it can be frustrating and disheartening. Understanding deer behavior is crucial for implementing effective strategies to protect your landscape.In this blog, we will delve into the behavior of deer and how deer fences can play a vital role in safeguarding your landscape from their browsing tendencies.
- Grazing Patterns:
Deer are herbivores, and their primary diet consists of leaves, buds, shoots, and young plants. They have a particular fondness for tender foliage, making your landscape a potential buffet for them. Understanding their grazing patterns helps determine the areas that require extra protection.
- Seasonal Feeding Behavior:
Deer feeding behavior changes throughout the year based on the availability of food sources. During the spring and summer months, when vegetation is abundant, deer may browse on a wide range of plants. In contrast, during the fall and winter, when natural food sources are scarce, they may be more inclined to target landscaped areas with cultivated plants.
- Preferred Plants:
Deer have preferences when it comes to plant species. While their preferences can vary depending on geographical location, some common favorites include hostas, roses, daylilies, yews, and fruit trees. By identifying the plants that deer find particularly enticing, you can prioritize protecting those areas.
- Deer Movement and Territory:
Deer are creatures of habit and tend to establish regular movement patterns within their territories. They often follow the same trails and pathways when searching for food and water. Identifying these paths and understanding their movement can help you strategically place fencing to intercept their access to vulnerable areas of your landscape.
- Fencing as a Physical Barrier:
Installing fencing around your landscape is an effective way to prevent deer from accessing your plants. Deer fencing acts as a physical barrier that inhibits their ability to enter and browse on your cherished plants. The height of the fence is critical, as deer are skilled jumpers. A fence height of at least 8 feet is recommended to deter them from leaping over.
- Fence Design and Materials:
The design and materials used for your deer fence play a significant role in its effectiveness. Woven wire or metal fencing is generally more durable and secure, providing better protection against deer. It’s essential to choose materials that withstand weather conditions and potential deer pressure. Mesh spacing should be small enough to prevent deer from squeezing through.
- Fencing Strategies:
Strategic placement of fencing can further enhance its effectiveness. Consider enclosing your entire landscape or specific vulnerable areas, such as vegetable gardens or flower beds. Create a barrier around high-value plants or young saplings that are more susceptible to deer browsing. Placing fencing along deer trails or known access points can intercept their movement and deter them from entering.
- Maintenance and Repairs:
Regular maintenance of your deer fencing is crucial for long-term effectiveness. Inspect the fence periodically for any damage, weak spots, or gaps that deer may exploit. Ensure the fence is properly secured to prevent deer from pushing their way through. Promptly repair any damages to maintain a reliable barrier.